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How do I verify someone's key?

Tiger Privacy 

You must contact the person who owns the key to verify their key. Don't use email, because your email is not secure until you know that the key is valid. The best way to check the key is face-to-face, but if that isn't practical, then call them, exchange faxes, or use old fashioned paper letters.

  1. Start the Tiger Envelopes control panel.
  2. Click the Keys tab.
  3. Double click the email address, or select the address and click the Verify button.
  4. Compare the Key summary with the other person's Key summary.

If the other person is also using Tiger Envelopes, then they should follow this same procedure. Otherwise, they must use their encryption software program to show the key summary, known as the fingerprint in most encryption software, for the matching email address.

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