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How do I configure my mail client
to use Tiger Envelopes?

Tiger Privacy 

Tiger Envelopes' installer and control panel automatically configure:

Because it's hard to configure your mail client by hand, we strongly recommend that you use one of these packages if you can. Even experts often don't get it right. Tiger Privacy may not provide support if you choose to use another mail client.

If you use any other mail client, then you must configure the mail client yourself after you install Tiger Envelopes. If someone else set up your email for you, ask them to help you with this.

First install, configure, and test Tiger Envelopes. Then open your mail client's preferences or options and for each email account you added to Tiger Envelopes change the mail servers and user name, also known as login.

Mail servers

Important: Be sure that you've
added a matching email account to Tiger Envelopes with the exact same email address before you follow the following steps. The matching Tiger account's servers need to be the same as the ones that you see in your mail client before you make the changes detailed below.

Change the mail servers to use the following settings:

More about Tiger and secure connections

If your mail server supports a secure connection, you should always configure Tiger to use it. In the Control Panel on the Accounts tab select your account and set Link security.

If you're running Tiger Free Envelopes, then your mail client and Tiger's servers should be on the same computer. That means that you don't need any extra security between your mail client and Tiger, and Tiger Free Envelopes doesn't support it.

If you're running Tiger Business Envelopes, then Tiger's servers are generally on another machine, and your mail client must continue to use SSL/TLS for a secure connection to Tiger's server.

User name / Login

Change your user name, also known as login, for your incoming mail server, not your outgoing server. Simply, add @@ after your existing user name, and then add your email address.

Let's look at a few examples. Assume your email address is mark@mycompany.com.

If the user name for your incoming mail server is mark, then change the login to your email address, mark@@mark@mycompany.com.

But, if your user name is mark@mycompany.com, then change it to mark@mycompany.com@@mark@mycompany.com.

If your user name is mark2@mail.mycompany.com, then change it to mark2@mail.mycompany.com@@mark@mycompany.com.

Or, if your user name is mycompany, then change the login to mycompany@@mark@mycompany.com.

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